Book Cover Tag

From what I can see, Pijush tagged Chewy and Chewy sent out a tag for those interested in playing. So here goes my attempt.

Only one rule:
Go to the Amazon Advanced Book Search and type your first name - or - your screen name into the "Title" field, and post the most interesting/amusing cover that shows up.

Here's what I found:

Thanks Chewy and Pijush! Nice to know there are a couple of manuals out there for me if I need one!


Anonymous said…
Ha-ha-ha! Have you been "winterized" yet? Thanks for playing.
Pijush said…
Waoww.. Isnt it interesting !!
Thanks for playing and backlinking me.
Hi Pijush - thanks for visiting. I had fun searching through all the 'CJ' books.

The pictures on your blogs are beautiful and very interesting. I appreciate you sharing them.
Hey Chewy - I refuse to give up the fight for motorcyle riding weather - I'm thinking warm days and no snow till February!
david mcmahon said…
Came here from Chewy's blog - and yes, Pijush is a friend as well.

Always nice to see familiar faces on a first visit.
david mcmahon said…
Warm day and no snow until February, you say?!!!

Come on over - I live in Oz and that's our summer!
That sounds like a good idea David. Half the year here and half the year in your neck of the woods would be perfect! Or at least a February visit to leave the chill of New England.

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