
Showing posts from July, 2010

Heading to Boston

Heading back to Boston after a fun day in Ptown. We met Beverly Leslie (Leslie Jordan) from Will And Grace. Pics on Facebook to follow! - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone Location: United States
All here and on our way!! - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone Location: Boston,United States

Where is Stiffy?

Waiting to get on the Fast Ferry to Ptown. Belle and Rizzo are on the boat already but Stiffy is stuck in traffic. Run, Stiffy, run. We set sail in 15 min!!! - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone Location: Long Wharf,Boston,United States

Cierra Swimming Series

It's Cierra's Pool. We just swim in it.

Nursing Home

I honestly don't think Irene would be thrilled knowing I posted these. But I wanted to convey a sense of what it is like at the nursing home when I go to visit.

Irene Quote Of The Day Saturday July 17th, 2010

While visiting with Irene in the nursing home last week, a very nice gentleman in a wheelchair passed by and said hello. Blondie: "Is that your boyfriend Irene?" Irene: "No. I want a rich boyfriend who is 101. And sick." Way to go Reenie. So do I.

Irene Quote Of The Day Friday July 16th, 2010

Some of you know that for the last few months, my mother Irene has been living in a nursing home. She's doing well and should be headed back to my sister's house soon. One of her new friends at the nursing home is a very sweet Japanese woman, who for the purposes of this post, shall be called Rosie. Rosie is petite, has red hair, and zips around the halls in her electric wheelchair. Last Saturday while we were visiting, Irene, totally serious, told Rosie that she looked about the same age as her daughter (me). Turns out, Rosie is 70. Thanks Mom. When I mentioned something about Rosie being Asian, my mother looked puzzled. Later that evening, when my sister was visiting, the following conversation occurred: Irene: "Did you know Rosie was Asian?" Sister: "Yes." Irene: "How did you know that?" Sister: "I looked at her." Irene: "Oh, I thought she was Irish." No, that would be me. The Irish 46 year old that looks 70.

You're Kidding Me Right?

Federal fucking jury duty?! From September 7 th - October 29 th ?! NOOOOOOO ! Five reasons why I can't do this (and that the judge won't give a shit about): 1. I'm the project lead on a major software upgrade at work and the only full time application developer for this product. That time frame coincides with the middle of the project. 2. I have an MD appointment in October that I scheduled back in March. 3. I have a mammogram that I scheduled last September. 4. I hate jury duty. 5. Women's Week in Provincetown , The Eastern States Exposition, leaf peeping in Vermont - need I say more? I don't believe jury duty is my civic obligation. I think it's a civic obligation not to get arrested. So how do I get out of this? Maybe mention on my questionnaire that I was verbally accosted by an Irish Muslim transsexual born-again South American blind dwarf? Does that cover all the bases? Should I show up to jury duty wearing my Winnie The Pooh pajamas, a cowboy hat, and ...

One Of The Reasons I Love Massachusetts

Maybe instead of being called The Bay State, we should call ourselves The Gay State! Judge declares US gay-marriage ban is unconstitutional - Local News Updates - MetroDesk - The Boston Globe

Yes, A Yorkie Can Have Her Own Pool

Cierra Belle has been in the pool more times this year than we have. After all, it is her pool (at least that is what she thinks). I'm hoping to get my lily white body in there this weekend without blinding the neighbors. Put on your sunglasses everyone one, here I come! Now please excuse me, I have to go outside and vacuum Cierra's pool.