
Showing posts from January, 2008

Place Your Bets

Hot of the presses from the City of Boston, the wager between Boston and New York is as follows: If the Giants win, Boston will send to New York: 100 cups of New England Clam Chowder from Legal Sea Foods 42 pounds of coffee from Dunkin' Donuts in honor of Super Bowl XLII 12 dozen Boston Cream Pies and 12 Dozen Parker House Rolls (in honor of Tom Brady's #12) from Boston's Omni Parker House Hotel 100 Kayem Old Tyme franks and 100 al fresco sun-dried tomato chicken sausages, the best-selling dogs in New England 20 Pizzas from Sal's - one pizza for each selection on the menu 5 Cases of Brigham's Boston You're My Home Ice Cream and 5 cases of Cherry on the Top Frozen Yogurt Bars from Elan. 100 servings of Stonyfield Farm Organic Yogurt If the Patriots win, New York will send to Boston: 42 pastrami and corned beef sandwiches from Carnegie Deli 42 "Big Blue Cheese Eli Mann-Eater Burgers" from Gallagher's Steak House one case of beef cocktail patties and ...

Early Morning In Boston

This is a view of Boston from my office. Well, not my personal office - we all have cubes. This is where I spend my workday. This photo was taken at 7:00 AM yesterday morning. You can see the Boston Waterfront and Logan Airport in the distance. The building in the second picture is Faneuil Hall which has served as a marketplace and a meeting hall since 1742.

Something More Appealing

This photo was taken at The Grand Wailea Resort Hotel. I had to replace the image of those gym shorts in the previous post with something more appealing. I think it's a great piece of work (seriously, I really like this) . It also is a good reminder to not eat any more Paczkis.

Gym Fashion

I warned her. I told my work buddy that I would join the gym with her and that we would go together every day. I also told her that I'm no gym diva, that my outfits would probably not match, and that my favorite workout bottoms are my bright orange baggy Ptown shorts. They have dual purpose. They are comfy and they make me easy to find if I go flying off the treadmill. I used to belong to an all women's gym (of course you did CJ ). This new gym is co-ed. Do men sweat a lot or what? I've seen men sweat so much that it actually flies off them and hits not only their machine, but the machine next to them too. Yuck. And the men's locker room has a funky smell. I know this because I almost walked right into it. Luckily another female yelled "Hey, that's the men's locker room" with such intensity you would have thought I was stepping in front of the path of a moving train. It wasn't my fault. There are only two doors leading from the weight room - one...

It's Paczki Time

The Paczkis are here is western Mass, And if you don't believe me, Just look at my ass Jump for joy, it's Paczki season. Why should you eat them? Here are six reasons. Boston Cream, Lemon, Blueberry too, Apple, Bavarian Cream, Raspberry, I love you. Note: Paczkis are sold at the grocery store near my house from January through the start of Lent. That's not a long time - hence, my excitement.

I've Been Tagged For A "Quirky Meme"

I've had the pleasure to have been tagged by Stealth whose blog has been a great find out there in the vast blogosphere. The rules of this meme are as follows: Link to the person that tagged you Post the rules on your blog. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website. So, at the risk of sounding slightly crazed here is my list: I hate being in enclosed spaces, like planes and subways. l travel by airplane but I need distractions like books or movies. I talk to my deceased father when I'm on my motorcycle and I'm heading into tricky terrain. Approaching the tunnel on Storrow Drive in Boston I would say "C'mon Ernie, wanna go for a ride?" and I always made it through to the other side okay. I flush the toilet in public restrooms with my foot, use a paper towel to turn the faucet on and ...

1966 and 1978

What I am saying: "Wow, it's really cool to have a big sister!" What she is saying: "I can't believe I had to give up my room for this spoiled thing. Hurray up already. I'm missing Dance Party. I hope my hair comes out ok . I had to iron it for an hour to get it this straight." What I am saying: "You have the coolest aunt in the world. I hope my perfectly feathered hair looks good in this picture." What EM is saying: "You think you're so cool in your Earth shoes and polyester shirt. I'm cooler than you and I'm only eight."

You Know You Are Tired When.... hold up your Massachusetts Turnpike Fast Lane transponder to go through a light in downtown Boston. I can only hope no one saw me yesterday morning sitting at the light, transponder in hand, waiting for the green signal to appear. Maybe I should attach it to my windshield so I won't feel the need to grab it at inappropriate times.

Can You Box That Up Please?

You know, the fun doesn't have to end when the meal is over. Next time you are out with your girlfriends, spice up the evening by adding some artwork to your buddie's box. Leftover box that is. After a few drinks, you will be amazed at the talent displayed by your friends when it comes to artwork and limericks. So don't be shy! Grab a marker and get to it!

Another Nor'easter

These are pictures taken from the deck of my house. Below the fence is a wooded area that leads to the Connecticut River. Might be a good day to get out the snowshoes! Unfortunately I have never used them before and I would probably fall flat on my face. Maybe I should practice in the house first.

Triple Lutz Gone Bad

For her next short program performance on the driveway rink, perhaps my sister should attempt an axel jump or camel spin instead. I must shovel the snow, I insist! She said as she shook her closed fist. Not heeding advice, She slipped on the ice, And now has a green cast on her wrist.

Searching High and Low

Here are some of the search terms that have landed web surfers on this blog. The following terms were found in my keyword analysis data. Comments have been added by me. sexy star greta martini - How could it not be sexy with a name like Greta? how to make pornstar martini - Three parts vodka, two parts bad dialog, and a splash of coke. rum twizzler - Would you like red or black licorice with your drink? bar cart wheels - Not nearly as fun as Martini Cartwheels. martini porn - I've never combined the two. Honest. her pants open - Ok, dirty boy. Go away. Unless you're really a dirty girl. Then visit often. porn stars and massachusetts - Must be talking about Dick Hertz from Holden (Holden, Mass that is - a real place) and Ben Dover (a town near Boston). mall tooth whitening - For those with less than perfect oral hygiene. Why whiten one? mall teeth whitening - No better place than the mall to get some dental work done. mall teeth light - To be used directly below your mall head l...

It's Official

It arrived on Saturday. It looked official, like a jury duty notice or a tax bill. The large bold print says it all. You're over 40 now, and you probably can't see very well. We'll start early, at 6:30, just in case you can't make it past 9:00. And we'll make it a buffet, so you don't have to remember what your original dinner choice was when the wait staff comes around to ask you "chicken or fish". And don't worry about trying to find a guest to bring. We know you must be divorced by now. Have fun!

Interpretive Dance By Cierra

And Then There Was One

It's January 2nd. How may resolutions have you kept so far? Less Swearing - Broke that at 12:10 AM 01.01.08. Well, who gives a S#*T about that one anyway. Exercise - Does bowling and Guitar Hero on the Wii count? (Perhaps Chewy can answer that). Eat Better - I have been snacking on chips that have 30% less fat. I ate 30% more to make up the difference. No Beer For A Year - Gonzo. Beer x1 at 5:00 pm January 1st. Go To Bed Earlier - Yes, I kept that one! I was in bed by 9:25PM last night. Good luck to you all on your resolutions. May you have better luck than I.

January 1, 2008