I am so freaking tired. My 4:00 AM rise and shine time is starting to really kick my butt. Therefore, I am absolving myself of any and all typos, grammatical errors, and profanity that may arise in this post. The riding lawn mower has a flat tire. The grass is high. And I'm worried what folks are starting to think. All I need now is to lose a front tooth or two and start blaring the theme from Deliverance. Maybe throw an old washing machine on the front lawn. The best neighbors in the world, McMeaty and McCheesy, came by to lend a hand. I had not taken the tire off yet because I thought I would need more tools, specifically a jack, to lift the mower high enough to remove the tire. So when I got home tonight and McMeaty told me he was successful in removing it, the first words out of my mouth were "Did you have to jack it off?" See, I told you I was tired. I quickly corrected myself and stated "Jack it up I mean, jack it up". Jack off, jack up - it's all the...