
Showing posts from May, 2011

Irene Quote Of The Day May 31, 2011

Don't let that cute little smile fool you. She's an 86 year old Tiger Mom. Had a nice chat with Irene and the ladies tonight at the nursing home. The activities director had gathered us all in a semi-circle to discuss the events scheduled for June. She's trying to get my mother to run for a position on the Resident Council. I'm sure Irene won't run, but I think it's good to encourage her nonetheless. I love sitting with the ladies. It's totally like the movie "Groundhog Day". I get asked the same questions every time I visit. Actually, I get asked the same questions every five minutes. God bless 'em. They are pretty sweet. As we sat and chatted a bit longer, Irene turned to me and said "You have nice hands. I can tell you don't do any housework". Well, I'm not sure how nice my hands actually are. I think they are ok. They are soft from all the suntan lotion I put on them and from Yorkie kisses. And of course, because I don...

Back To The Grind (And I Don't Mean Coffee)

I was on vacation last week. Ok, so I worked a little bit from home last Sunday and Monday but other than that, I was on total vacation mode. A Duck Boat tour in Boston, a day trip to Vermont, lots of eating - just an all around relaxing time. That groove ended today when I took a peak at my work email and saw I had 700* + new emails. How can that be? Seriously, that is just crazy. I can't imagine how many emails the important people must get. I'm working from home tomorrow. And I refuse to get stressed. Refuse, refuse, refuse. If it takes me until noon to get through them all, so be it. Now if I can just relax enough to get a good night's sleep, I'll be all set. Night all. View of downtown Boston from the Charles River *Ok, it seems 700 emails is not a true fact. After logging in to work using remote desktop, I only had 435 new emails. It appears that the other 300 or so were already read. In my defense however, when I made the original statement about the 700+ emails...

Of Mice and Sheds

At first it wasn't obvious. A few droppings here and there, a bit of seed over in the corner - nothing I couldn't handle. It wasn't until I started the clean up that I fully understood what transpired during the winter months. An entire neighborhood of mouse condos had been constructed in our pool shed sometime between November and May. There were the high rise condos, built in the loft area. These were the expensive units, made of the finest inflatable pool toy plastic. They were "painted" in lovely shades of blue and green which used to be the color of the pricey solar rings we had been using to warm up the pool last summer. They were the Trump Towers of Mouseville. There were also the water view units on the window sill, not as spacious as the high rise units, but very sunny and affordable. The most popular dwelling appeared to be the garden apartments underneath the shelving on which the grass seed used to sit. I found an entire bag of seed plus an equivalen...


H ey ! Did any of you get raptured ? I did not,but I am worried about all my fellow blog friends. I was at at a gay bar, so I was pretty sure no rapturing would be happening around me. Please, check in with a simple quick message to let me know you are alright. It's 11:27 on the east coast so I think we are all clear but you know how I worry. And one more side note - What the fuck is wrong with those who thought something would actually happen today? Your 15 minutes are up. Rapture .

A Rainy Saturday In Noho

It's Saturday. It's raining. What to do, what to do? I know, let's go to Northampton! It's important that women get enough calcium: And drinking in moderation is best. So we'll use the tiny glasses please: Here's to more rainy Saturdays!

Note To Self: Check Pockets Prior To Doing Laundry

When you leave these in a pocket, they make one hell of a mess in the washing machine. They are as absorbent as 50 pound sand bags. Now I know how to drain the excess water out of the pool. Just float a couple dozen of these babies on the surface - no need to unwrap them - and let the magic happen. Sweet.

Miscellaneous Musings on Recent Events

Other than the double tap, how did you enjoy your visit with SEAL Team Six Mr. Bin Laden? "Ask any mermaid , you happen to see – who's the dead terrorist? Osama of the Sea!”

Happy Friday

My work husband* got let go yesterday. He was the project manger for the upgrade I posted about yesterday. A really great guy and a great PM. He was a contractor who came on board last June. And he was vital to the success of this project. He talked me off the ledge more than once. When I thought we would never make the go live date, he reassured me we would. He told me we things would go fine. And he was right. I have a hard time understanding how humans relate to each other at work. It's a job people. In the relative scheme of things, work is nothing. You don't have to go home with each other. Work to live - not the opposite. (Oh sure - good advice from someone who worked until midnight last Friday). I'll miss not having a work husband. The work boyfriend will have to suffice for now I guess. My partner's boss is....ummm.. how do I say this.....a d#@khead. I see what she has to put up with every day and I feel her pain. People are funny creatures. ...

It's Live!

The project I have been working on for over a year as the technical lead finally went live this week. And if I wasn't so tired from being on day 11 of a 12 day stretch, I might actually be able to post something intelligent, humorous, or interesting. But then again, why start now. It's already May? How did that happen? And if April showers brought May flowers, what do May flowers bring? Why the answer is simple my friends. Pilgrims. That's what May flowers bring. Oh CJ, you really have been coding way too much.