There's A Draft In Here
Beer tip of the day. A few pints of a nice hoppy IPA followed by spoonfuls of maple pretzel peanut butter, Cheez-Its, and gulps of water may have the following side effects: sleeplessness, headache, nausea, vomiting, and disrupted sleep for other members of the household. On to more pressing matters, specifically an "Official Summons For Juror Service". Jury duty equals a day full of anxiety and stress for the following reasons: Courthouses are typically located in areas with limited parking It always seems to fall on a day when there is something important going on at work You are forced to sit for hours in a room full of strangers Raising your hand when you have to pee is embarrassing The worry that the sushi/chicken salad/blue cheese dressing/yogurt you ate the night before was actually a day past its expiration and will be letting you know that very soon **This post is a draft from a few months back that I never got around to finishing. So here is the update...