Morning Reflections

This is a picture of the pool reflecting the house on one side, the fence and my legs on the other. It was taken about 6:40 AM this morning. Hoping to get in some pool time this weekend. Happy Friday!


Anonymous said…
Hey! You're getting all artsy with your photography. Looking at things a little differently?

"Cool" pic. Yes, I am being punny.
Velvet Ginger said…
I will bring my own towel and the margaritas...what time?
Velvet Ginger said…
Oh, and I wanted to say I DO like your "new way" of looking at things...Chewy is a good influence on you!
looks refreshing! i looked at it a long time and couldn't tell what it was!

did you get some time in? I'm with vel (my sister), i'll bring my own towel! :o)
Anonymous said…
Let's all diiiiive into the pool!

You ARE getting very creative with your new birthday camera there CJ!! Nice job!
Rita said…
I want my own pool.
Velvet Ginger said…
lol@rita...I have a bright orange wading pool...better than "nuthin'"!
Hey thanks Chewy. I've been inspired by this cool blog. Headboard something or other. Have you heard of it? :)
Thanks Rubye Jean. You just pop on over anytime. I had the Margarator out yesterday whipping up a few batches - one with your name on it. It may not be as hot here as AZ, but it's still pool weather in Massachusetts.
Hey Ms. Creek - Thanks for the visit. You and your sister are welcome anytime to hang by the pool at the Martini Ranch! I got some swim time in yesterday and it was great.
I'm lucky Rita - the house came with a pool. The swimming season is unfortunately pretty short here but it is a lot of fun. You and Lyn are invited too!

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