A Kinder, Gentler Post

After ranting about menopause and my vibrating glove, I decided to go the nature route here and post Mama Robin and her 3 little ones. They reside in the shrub in front of the house. Hard to believe these babies were just small blue eggs a few weeks ago. They appear to be doing well, getting bigger every day. Mama sits on the wire and keeps a watchful eye on the nest. I'm looking forward the the impending poo mess on the sidewalk as the babies start their flying lessons.


Anonymous said…
Most of the robins here were off and flying earlier this summer. We had one not do so well so the kids wanted to take it in. I said I wasn't going to eat worms and puke it back up for them to eat. Nature is amazing.
SassyFemme said…
We have a bird that repeatedly built a nest by the side door. We finally gave up fighting it, and let it move in. A few weeks ago we found an almost dead baby bird on the ground close to it. Nothing we could do but let nature take it's course, no matter how much it hurt us to let that happen. There's still a bird hanging out in the nest, but we don't hear any babies out there.
Shrinky said…
What have I missed? Sod the birds, I'm off to read about this vibrating glove..
Mon said…
Ah, how cute, I wonder what the vibrating glove would do to robin eggs in the hands of a woman in menopause?
That's so cute. We grew up in a house who hosted a robin's nest. It was really fun watching them grow and sad when they all flew away. But the next spring, a whole new batch was watched!

Love nature!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
how darn cute is that! though i did skip ahead to read about the vibrating glove and come back to make this comment...
Velvet Ginger said…
Oh I just love that! Nothing like a nest of baby birds to keep us grounded huh?
Janet said…
What was so heavy about posting about toys?

The birds are cute --

Update - The babies have flown from the nest. There is now one bird condo available at my house if anyone knows of any potential tenents.
LOL at all of your vibrating glove comments. Maybe we should have a toy of the month post?

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