Middle Age Mumblings
The results of a new study came out today. You can read about it at ABC News: Middle-Aged Misery: Why 44 Is Worst Age.
I didn't pay much attention to the results of the study, which I happened to catch on my drive in today. Then I remembered that my age, thirty-fourteen, is actually 44. The study concluded that depression peaks for people at this age. I had been in a good mood up until that point.
I didn't pay much attention to the results of the study, which I happened to catch on my drive in today. Then I remembered that my age, thirty-fourteen, is actually 44. The study concluded that depression peaks for people at this age. I had been in a good mood up until that point.
Let's see - gas prices, the housing market, the war, the economy - none of these things have to do with my age but they certainly could put a damper on my mood. Gray hair, hot flashes, an extra couple of pounds - all those are a result of aging and not one of them has ever really put me in a funk.
No, the only four-four combo that has put me over the edge up until now is the 4 years of the first Bush administration + the 4 years of the second Bush administration. Now that's something about which we can all be miserable, regardless of age.
There is always a rainbow...
We do have lots for which to be thankful here in this country. I have concerns about the direction in which we are heading though.
I forgot to be depressed last year - maybe I'll have to go back and do it over again.