Antigone Rising Rocks!

I love Antigone Rising. I saw them in concert this past Thursday at the Iron Horse Music Hall in Northampton. These ladies always put on an amazing show and if you have never listened to any of their music or seen them play in person, I would urge you to do so. They are incredibly talented and extremely personable.

Looking forward to seeing your show March 8th in Boston ladies!


Anonymous said…
headed to find them now. I have never heard them so intereted in checking it out.
We had a blast VelvetGinger! They really put on a great show.
Hey Wendy - Antigone Rising is my favorite music artist. They are really wonderful. You may want to google 'Antigone Rising Don't Look Back'. It's a great video.
Mon said…
I have never heard of them, but it looks like fun, I googled them like you suggested and really liked what I heard, I might have to see if there is anything on itunes. Thanks for visiting my blog too!
JHS, Esq. said…
Hi CJ-

Congratulations! Your post from February 15, 2008 titled “It Gets the Hose Again” has been selected as our Post of the Day on “The Rising Blogger”. It is a site that awards posts, not blogs. We will email your winning badge to post in your sidebar and all our info, if you contact us with your email address. To encourage your readers to comment on your award, it helps if you make the first comment on our post about your blog, yourself. We ask winners to nominate a post favorite of a fellow blogger. Call it “paying it forward”. Neither is a requirement. You have won this award because we truly feel you deserve it. To reach “The Rising Blogger” site:

Have a great week!
Judd Corizan
The Rising Blogger
JHS, Esq. said…
Hi CJ-

Congratulations! Your post from February 15, 2008 titled “It Gets the Hose Again” has been selected as our Post of the Day on “The Rising Blogger”. It is a site that awards posts, not blogs. We will email your winning badge to post in your sidebar and all our info, if you contact us with your email address. To encourage your readers to comment on your award, it helps if you make the first comment on our post about your blog, yourself. We ask winners to nominate a post favorite of a fellow blogger. Call it “paying it forward”. Neither is a requirement. You have won this award because we truly feel you deserve it. To reach “The Rising Blogger” site:

Have a great week!
Judd Corizan
The Rising Blogger
Anonymous said…
I love love LOVE Antigone Rising!! Great show on Thurs night and I can't wait to see them again next Saturday! :)

Congratulations on your new award, CJ!! If you blog it they will come.....

:) :) :)

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