Let's Go Out For One

Bottles and cups and cans, oh my.

Note to Self: It's a bad idea to go out with the fishees when you have somewhere to be at 10:30 the next morning. Especially when the next morning is Super Bowl Sunday. And your buddy has invented something she calls the "Tom Brady Martini" and you are going to her house to watch the game. Danger Will Robinson, danger.


Cristina - I am so bummed. I can't believe the Pats lost!!!! Congratulations kiddo.
Cristina said…
It isn't that I like the Giants, I could really care less about them. It is all about the '72 Fins maintaining status quo. I almost wore my Miami garb last night and thought better of it. I can only imagine how lopsided and ugly it could have gotten for the Giants considering the 1-15 season we had this year (yes, I can be supersticious <--did I spell that right - to tired and lazy to check). Both defenses played very well, it was just the NY offensive line played stronger yesterday. If you pitted todays Pat's against the '72 Fins my heart would cheer for the Fins and my head knows they would be spanked.
Anonymous said…
Now you'll be drinking a new martini called, "SACKED".
Anonymous said…
are we drowning our sorrows today..I was shocked...
I agree Cristina, the Pats just couldn't get the offense going. I had a buddy who went to the game - I would really be upset if I had paid all that money to see them lose.
Hey Chewy - LOL. Oh man, I won't be having any more of those Brady Martinis that's for sure.
Hi Robert - We are shocked and very disappointed here in Massachusetts too(well, most of us). I keep telling myself, it's only a game, it's only a game.
Cristina said…
Chewy, as your resident bartender here at Martini Cartwheels, I will create the SACKED martini - I am almost thinking that it must be an earthy flavor say begin with a chilled expresso shot.
Anonymous said…
I've checked myself into Promises so no more Brady martinis for me!

One too many...
Anonymous said…
Expresso for get-up-and-get-your-ass-moving?
Cristina said…
I like that better than my thought which was Brady ate so much dirt, might as well have the fans share in the experience and I cannot think of anything more earthy than a good shot of expresso - I am also thinking splash a little something in there (tastes almost pomegranitey in my mind) - of course it will be made with V-one vodka.
Love the latest comments about the Brady Martini. Has anyone else heard someone say they thought the game was fixed? Not trying to be a sore loser here, but I heard two different people mention that it was really odd how poorly the Pats played.
Cristina said…
I have heard every Patriots & Cowboy fan say it. I stike it up to dumb luck - or statistics.
I would have to agree Cristina. I can't believe anyone would throw a game this big.

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