Dessert Anyone?

The question of the day at work was "if you were a dessert, what would you be?" My cubemate, JLo, said she would be a cupcake with pastel frosting and a cherry on top. Small and cute, just like her. My buddy Vo said he would be ice cream. JLo and I decided he would be mint chocolate chip, smooth and cool. JLo then declared our manager to be Boston Cream Pie, because it's soft in the middle.

I thought I would be lady fingers. But after some consideration, I changed my choice to pecan pie. Sweet and nutty.

So my friends, what would you be?


Happy Valentine's Day to all my blog buddies!
Anonymous said…
Happy Valentines back at you..:))
Cristina said…
happy Valentines Day CJ - I would be an Almond Joy Martini - you think I am kidding - when I eat at Tisane that is usually my dessert. And yes, an Almond Joy comes with that - BTW - I got almond joys (minus the martini's from the bartender tonight). Martini's tonight were Buddha's Little Helper & Plum Sake which complimented a nice champagne dinner with my "safe date."
That sounds yummy Cristina. I would like to try one of those. I can't imagine it would be good to have more than a couple though.
Cristina said…
No you cannot do more than 2 which is yI call them Martwoni's usually.
Anonymous said…
If I were a dessert... I would be an m&m because I melt in your mouth and not in your hands. tee hee hee
Rita said…
Great blog! I would definitely be a piece of Turtle Cheesecake. Cheesecake is a huge weakness for me but when you add chocolate, caramel and pecans to it....WOW!

I have a great pecan pie recipe if you are so inclined to bake....
Thank you Rita! Turtle Cheesecake sounds good right about now. That's still a breakast food right?

Unfortunately I don't know my way around the kitchen very well. Good at eating dessert but not so good at making it!

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