Bargins Galore!

Below are some of the items recently posted on 'Yard Sale' section of the company intranet site where I work. Comments in blue are what went through my head as I read down the list of treasures.

Free Toy - Free McDonald's Happy Meal toy in unwrapped packaging. "Hogsqueal" from The Spiderwick Chronicles.
Oh goody. A free toy worth 3 cents.

Free Old Dog Tags- Leftover 1996 dog tags Do you want one?
Sure. I'll hang them on my Dogwood tree next Christmas.

Free poster showing Dustin Hoffman - "Mr.Magorium's Wonder Emporium" poster, free.
I'd rather have a Bay Watch poster.

Free Halloween candy - One bagful of candy...about 20 items
A whole 20 pieces of free stale candy? Awesome. Can you recommend a free dentist to go with that?

Expired Dog Tags - Free year 2000 metal dog tags in plastic wrappers license number/year on each
Are these more valuable than the 1996 tags because they are in the original packaging?

How To Quilt Book - Topics include: making a baby quilt, sewing placemats, and making a tablecloth.Asking: $5 donation
Great. I'll put that on the shelf next to my How To Watch Paint Dry book.

Free Baked Beans Recipe
The gift that keeps on giving. This one comes with a free bottle of Beano.

Wanted: Irish flute - Want to buy an Irish flute if you have one
This person should contact the Baked Bean Queen above if they are looking for a way to make noise.

What's next? Here would be my contribution:
Five pairs of gym socks with holes
Two slightly used Tupperware containers
Seven buttons of different sizes and colors
A thimble
One can brown shoe polish
Twenty-seven lint balls


Anonymous said…
I think you should add your How To Watch Paint Dry book to your list.

Mon said…
Recently, on my freecycle group, someone posted an add similar to this. "Wanted, Kitchen Aid Mixer, must be in working condition, and have all attachments"...I was like...sure, I'll get right on that one...
Anonymous said…
I'll taske the tupper ware.. mine are melted from putting them on a hot burner on the stove.. wheeww it stinks when you do that...:)))
Velvet Ginger said…
So how did those things sell????
They are right up there with the neighbor's dentures I found in My driveway!!!
Anonymous said…
Gently used lingerie would probably be a big sell too!
Anonymous said…
Darn it! Robert already claimed the Tupperware.
Velvet Ginger said…
You want the dentures Chewy? better than the "gently used" lingerie!
Hey OC - That's quite a group. If you start to actually get items like that, let me know where I can sign up.

You would think they would make Tupperware more heat tolerant wouldn't you Robert?

Hi VelvetGinger - I hope your neighbor wasn't attached to them at the time you found them!

Hey Blondie - Ewwww!

Don't worry Chewy. I decided it's not safe to let Robert have the Tupperware.
Mon said…
Yeah...I'll sign up with's one thing if someone is giving it away..but to ask for a KA Mixer...craziness I tell you. Might as well go stand outside of Macy's and say please buy me a KA....
Anonymous said…
I am debating the "gently used" dentures vs. lingerie.... that is one tough decision...

.... glad I do not have to make one! ewwww
Anonymous said…
I always like to post a "free leaves - come and get 'em - I will leave them on the front lawn for you to pick up" ad in the Fall.

Unfortunately, it hasn't worked yet, dang it.
Blondie - I would go with the lingere as opposed to the dentures.At least you could bleach the lingere.

With respect to that 'fall leaves' offer - do you think it would work with snow?

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