Women's Room Roadblock
Ok, kidding about the mullet part. Really.
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Location:Lighthouse Bar
*******Morning After Thoughts***********
So really, I'm usually not that bitchy about the whole bathroom thing. But this bathroom was small. And this woman was dolling herself up like she was entering a Miss America Pageant. So I stood to the side and behind her for at least a minute with wet hands because the paper towels were totally blocked. It was at that point that I just reached over, probably dripping water from my hands into her open pocketbook, and dried my hands on her pants. Shoot, I mean grabbed a towel. Ok, I feel better now.
One more thing - I originally titled this post Straight Women In The Bathroom which isn't fair. I love straight women. Most women are straight until they're not. So I apologize for stereotyping here. Because honestly, I've seen my share of lesbian bathroom primping as well.
And, I've just read your amendum (not sure that's the right word, but it looks good) - don't tell me you're joining the PC crowd now? Straights can take the stereo-typing, Lord knows, gays have had to live with it for long enough!
Rule #1 No mirror should be located in front of any sink.
Rule #2 If you think you need X bathroom stalls increase the number by 50% for the women's rest room.