Happy New Year, Happy New Blog

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful New Year's Eve! We had a great night hanging with our good friends H and B, eating lots of fattening food, drinking beer, and laughing.

My buddy Ronia and I are starting a new blog today, take 365 pictures, where the goal is for each of us to shoot and post one picture per day for one year. Ronia lives in Vancouver, I live in western Massachusetts. I'm looking forward to this new project.

Here is another ink blot test for those of you up to the challenge. This is another recent picture from the pool cover. I think it looks like streptococcus. Or a sex toy.

Have a wonderful holiday everyone.


Angie said…
Happy New Year glad you had a wonderful evening.
C.I.W. said…
At this moment, I am watching a TLC show called "Mother Knows Sex" About the woman who created Pure Romance bedroom toys..... and I am SURE I just saw something like that ink blot.

yum! :)
small town dyke said…
happy new years! i see crop circles, and yeah sex toys!
have a happy new year, cj!
Happy New Year Ang! I hope you had a good night as well.

Hey CIW - that sounds like a very interesting show. And actually, I'm very glad to read I'm not the only one who can see that in the ink blot! Happy New Year CIW!

Hi Small Town - Happy New Year! Crop circles - very good! I didn't think of that.

Happy New Year Ms. Creek!
Monkey Outlaw said…
Hey there found you through 7 Senses. Looking forward to watching your photo blog take shape! Happy New Year from Kansas City, MO
Hey there Outlaw! Thank you for stopping by. Happy New Year to you too! And thanks for checking out the new blog. I appreciate that!
Anonymous said…
I first saw crop circles too. Then a caterpillar with fat lips.

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