Here's an interesting texting typo I created last week: And if airline seats get any smaller, I can see this being an actual problem. Can you imagine? I'm sorry ma'am, but there is no way both of you can seat in one seat. You will have to purchase an additional ticket for "her". What would happen then? Would she want the window or middle seat? That's assuming she would even want to sit next to me. I mean, we are together 24/7 so she may want a little alone time, out in the open air, where she is free of any restraint. And what if she is chatty, flapping her lips the whole time? I'm not a big talker when I travel, preferring instead to bury my head in a magazine so I can take my mind off the flight and enjoy my Ativan. I imagine the conversation going as such: She: I hate that bike seat at spin class. You have no idea what it's like. Me: Spin class is only 50 minutes. You can handle it. I bought you padded shorts. Those weren't ...
that positioning makes it look like a tissue for your drippy nose.
Jude - they have liquid stuff? That might be better for me!
Monkey, I'm hoping not too many. Oh, I'm really hoping.
Definitely Solo! That will be my next trick.
Glad to hear I'm not the only one Lesbo. Hoping I don't do that again soon.
Ha! That's funny Small Town. Well, I guess a spare is good to have.
Hey What Plans! I haven't had this mishap with the pants yet but I don't doubt that will happen.
Not quite yet Ellie, but I'm getting to that point.
LOL Shrinky. Stipping does sound kind of kinky doesn't it. Please tell me you didn't have that experience with the knickers personally...
Hey CJ! I'm not sure what is worse - the zipper or the tp!
that made my day!
It reminds me of the time I was sitting in my boss's office, wearing a pant suit.
I had one leg crossed on top of the other and while sitting there chatting, I noticed something sticking out from under the cuff of my pant leg.
I started a gentle tug and found that I was in middle of no return and had to proceed to pull out a full pair of panyhose stuffed up my leg. It felt like a two-bit magic act. How the hell could I have not felt that before!?
We both had a good laugh.
Sherrill, Montreal