Clothes Make The Woman

Last week or so I mentioned in a quick post that I wasn't sure if my clothes matched. Earlier this week, I wore blue khakis with a white golf shirt and by the time I got to work, I realized I looked as though I was wearing the grade school uniform required by the city of Springfield, MA.

Today is Friday, the day on which I usually go a little more casual. We can wear jeans every day but I don't, since I usually have meetings outside my building. The current clothes dilemma is three-fold  as follows:

1. I am wearing one of those bumpy textured type of shirts that I think they used to call seersucker so I thought I could get away without ironing but I don't know if that is necessarily true.
2.I am wearing blue jeans and my shirt has white, yellow, and blue lines. I'm not a big fan of the blue on blue or any other two same colors but have been known to dress as such on several occasions. I'm hoping that this outfit doesn't fall into that category.
3. This is a men's shirt. I'm thinking I look like I just stepped out of the boy's sections of the old Sears Catalog. Again, hoping I can get away with it as it is Friday.

At the posing of my last dressing quagmire, a fellow blogger over at 
suggested I a post a pic of myself. I value her opinion so I did. And now you all can be the judge. Please see the poll to the right.


Anonymous said…
I go for the layered look by wearing a man's long, square tailed shirt, un-tucked and un-buttoned with a colored t-shirt underneath. No seer-sucker!

You may already know my summer-time vintage shirt and shorts "Charlie Sheen" look from Bob's in Enfield. (chuckle)
Blondie said…
I think it's a nice outfit, CJ. I still voted for C tho. wink wink

Next you will have to try the seersucker shirt with the navy pants. :)
Allison said…
I've never ironed in my life. I just spritz with water before bed and hang on the shower rod.

Wish I looked as good as you do with a shirt tucked into pants. I look like an idiot in pants. Men's shorts, though, are great.
Solo said…
Dude, I think you're wearing my watch!

The outfit is fine, and you wear it well. My burning question is, are you wearing motorcycle boots or loafers??
Anonymous said…
I wouldn't have guessed that was a man's shirt.
lynt said…
BONUS points for tucking in the shirt and wearing it well.

Personally, I hate seersucker -- I always want to iron it flat.

Best word verif in a while -- lizerian.
Anonymous said…
ok, I confess. I once owned a pale blue and white pinstriped seersucker suit.
Mon said…
I think I like it.....even with no head you look good!
Janet said…
Great watch - um the rest might need a little help.
Anonymous said…
Okay, my fashion two cents:

Untuck, untuck, untuck.... Also, unbuttoned with a white t-shirt underneath - think layers. Also, make sure the t-shirt is fitted - not too big or else you end up looking baggy and disheveled.

Are you wearing a belt? A cool fabric belt (jcrew style) or black leather with a silver buckle would work. Match your shoes (black shoes - black or colored belt) (brown shoes - brown belt) (chucks - any belt works) sneakers...well, don't wear sneakers with jeans pleeeaase.

Short-sleeve mens shirts tend to have wide arms - I either roll them or buy extra-large boys shirts. The Gap & JCrew sell small mens shirts that fit women - Abercrombie, Hollister and American Eagle mens shirts tend to run large.

When are we going shopping? :)
John Gascot said…
Don't you have a gay boy to sort out your closet???
The outfit in the pic looks fine. Casual and easy...very lesbian-on-the-go.
Anonymous said…
I should have my woman give her opinion. She is really into fashion and dresses more like you. I'm all girl! Bring on the lace, pink, and dresses!
Hey thanks everyone. Poll came out to be out 50/50. Looks like I need some work.

Next time I will have to post a pic in my men's board shorts and t-shirt. Way sexy, lol.
otter said…
I lived in Mass for 9 years, I never saw anyone worry about matching!

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