Fresh Fish
From this morning:
Some folks think these ads from Legal Sea Foods go too far. Personally, I think they're great. You know what they say, if it smells like fish...
Oh never mind.
Some folks think these ads from Legal Sea Foods go too far. Personally, I think they're great. You know what they say, if it smells like fish...
Oh never mind.
People who complain about something as harmless as this need to seriously get a life. You should have seen the ad campaign hubby won an award for for tampons.. (teehee)!
"if it smells like a's probably a duck"???
I would love to hear (or read) more about the ad campaign. You have got me curious.
Did you guys ever get the Cadbury's Flake Ad's over your way? Now THAT is what I call raunchy. Hubby played a small part in those too. (Very small)
They picture a girl with, um, er.. well - guess you really need to see them (giggle)..
I bought a T-Shirt at Barking Crab. That's what it says on the back. giggle I'll post a photo.