Birthday Buddies

Just wanted to thank my buddies for sharing my birthday with me. You guys are the best. Thank you!


Mon said…
Happy Birthday CJ!!!
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday, CJ! :)
Janet said…
What?!! no martini?

Happy Birthday.

Rita said…
Happy Happy Birthday!! So you are what....29? :)
Anonymous said…

Happy belated Birthday CJ.
I'd have baked a cake had I known - but then I would have eaten it, and well, I shouldn't. So maybe I'll just make it a cheesecake. There are vitamins in one of those, right?

Happy Birthday!
Cristina said…
Happy Belated Birthday CJ
Anonymous said…
HAPPY Birthday!!! Looks like a blast.
Shrinky said…
Happy belated birthday cj!! Looks like you had a good one..
Hey thanks everyone! I appreciate all the birthday wishes. I had a fun week of playing and celebrating turning thirty-fourteen.

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