Saturday At Sea

We are cruising today from Mexico to Miami. Unfortunately, I was out until 4:00 AM last night. So the question of the day is, what is worse than a rum hangover? Answer: A rum hangover at sea.

I got to play with dolphins yesterday in Mexico. I got a dolphin kiss, a hug, and a ride. What a great experience.

We get into port around 7:00 AM tomorrow. I have a late afternoon flight and anticipate getting into Hartford, CT around 9:00 PM. This has been a great trip, but I do miss the Girlz (my little dogs) quite a bit and I am looking forward to seeing them and being home.

Time for a nap.


Mon said…
Welcome home!
I suppose putting your foot on the floor as it hangs over the bed to keep the room from spinning doesn't really work aboard a ship, huh? And, maybe that's why they call it DEMON RUM.
Hahn you are correct in your assumption that the 'ol one foot down trick does not help when out at sea. I still feel like I am moving today - it's really wierd. Feels like the house is going up and down - and I've had no rum today.

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