Hey You! The One With The Tan And The Wine!
Hey Bain de Soleil lady! I wish I had never listened to you. Sure, you're a hottie and you look really good with that tan. But I used that Orange Gelee #4 all through high school. After three visits to the dermatologist and 3 sun damaged areas removed from my skin, I think you owe me an apology.
I'm Whitey McPasty now and proud of it. And I'm the only person I know who goes on a cruise and comes back whiter then when they left. Take that, you scantily clad sun goddess with the gorgeous figure and personal butler.
If you're looking you can find me and my glass under an umbrella.
Your commercial there depicts the societial view of running with the crowd to get the "look" the media dictates. Good point...good post!
I use sunscreen and get physically sick if I am out under the rays too long!