It's Paczki Time

The Paczkis are here is western Mass,
And if you don't believe me,
Just look at my ass

Jump for joy, it's Paczki season.
Why should you eat them?
Here are six reasons.

Boston Cream, Lemon, Blueberry too,
Apple, Bavarian Cream, Raspberry,
I love you.

Note: Paczkis are sold at the grocery store near my house from January through the start of Lent. That's not a long time - hence, my excitement.


Anonymous said…
I LOVE Paczkis!!!

My favorite is the chocolate covered bavarian cream. YUM!

You are such a poet!! Very cute.
Anonymous said…
I had 2 last weekend, lemon and blueberry.
If I was on Survivor - Paczki Island, and I could only bring 3 types of Paczki, I would bring Lemon, Raspberry, and Apple.
Alright Chewy! Another Paczki fan!
Hi Stealth - Do they have Paczkis in Georgia?
Anonymous said…
I WANT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!.. or maybe two...:):)
Cristina said…
If I was on Survivor - Paczki Island, and I could only bring 3 types of Paczki, I would bring Lemon, Raspberry, and Bavarian Cream. Love Love Love Paczkis!!!
Oh!!! Glad they don't have those here in Colorado!! Found your blog through Blog catalog... I'll be reading! BTW... I had two take a double take on your "Girlz" .. they look pretty much exactly like my little ones!
Anonymous said…
ok Ilooked at them again and decided I want all of them...:):)
All of them - good choice Robert!
Hi Pisces - Thank you for visiting! Saw the pictures of two of your babies on your blog - they're beautiful!
Hey Cristina - Didn't know you were a Paczki fan! I bet Dude would love to get hold of a box.
Cristina said…
If they made Banana Paczkis her would be in Duder Dawg heaven.
Stealth said…
They do not have these paczkis in Georgia. We have Krispy Kreme.

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