Another Nor'easter

These are pictures taken from the deck of my house. Below the fence is a wooded area that leads to the Connecticut River. Might be a good day to get out the snowshoes! Unfortunately I have never used them before and I would probably fall flat on my face. Maybe I should practice in the house first.


Stealth said…
Dear God:

AGAIN, thank you for allowing me to live in Georgia. I thank you that I am wearing a short sleeve shirt today and can still see my grass.

Hey Stealth - I had on a short sleeve shirt too. Under my fleece sweatshirt and fleece jacket. See, it's not so bad up here :).
Ronia Nash said…
Funny, that looks to be about 6inches which was huge snow for me a few years ago. Now, not so much. Last Saturday we got over 2ft in 3 days. Luckily it's nothing I have to shovel!
Compared to what you folks get Ronia, this is nothing. We just like to bi*&h about it. At least it's a good excuse not to drive to work here.
Anonymous said…
I played hooky made a snow bear in the front yard.
Good for you Chewy! I was thinking you may not have gone to work since I did not see a new post. That's the one positive aspect of a big New England snowfall - it's a good reason not to go in to work.
Anonymous said…
Our high today is 14 degrees!! Glad to see someone else get's some of this white stuff and bitter cold!! Hang in there!
Hey Wendy - Thank you for stopping by. Your blog says you are in Kansas - I didn't even know Kansas got that cold. (I'm pretty bad with geography). Think Spring!

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