Triple Lutz Gone Bad

For her next short program performance on the driveway rink, perhaps my sister should attempt an axel jump or camel spin instead.

I must shovel the snow, I insist!
She said as she shook her closed fist.
Not heeding advice,
She slipped on the ice,
And now has a green cast on her wrist.


Stealth said…
Dear God:

I would just like to thank you again for allowing me to live in Georgia, where snow and ice are things we only hear about or see once a decade.


Good thing you're not in Massachusetts today. It started snowing last night and it is still coming down this morning.
Anonymous said…
You should write that limerick on her cast.
Cristina said…
I see grace is a biological trait in your family. Drink more and you may stay upright.
Hey Chewy - That's a great idea. She is having surgery on her wrist today so perhaps this weekend she will need a little diddy to spice up that cast.
Hi Cristina - LOL. Yes, we tend to take a tumble now and again, and that is before any martinis. I love your suggestion and I think it would probably work!
Cristina said…
White Cosmo's baby - keep me as "straight" up as I can possibly be. How about a martini w/ Lemoncello, champagne and a premium vodka (that sounds too good and it is way to early in the morning - NOT - to be thinking about a martini).

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