Eating My Way Through The Big E, Part 1

It's that time of year again - the Big E started last Friday. The Big E, or the The Eastern States Exposition, is the biggest fair in the northeast. Here's a sampling of some of the goodies I had on Friday when I hit the fair with my buddy Bill.

First, it was off to the Maine building to get in line for a Maine baked potato. To make things easier on the potato ladies, I just ask for one with everything.

Delicious and low fat. This of course made us thirsty so we had to go across the street to the Sam Adams Beer Garden:

From there it was off to walk around the fair. The Big E covers a lot of ground. And so, we got thirsty again.

Time for a snack. A Polish plate was just the thing we needed. It came complete with pierogi, kapusta, and kielbasa.

Now all I needed was some food to go in case I got hungry when I got home. Back down to the Avenue Of States to the New Hampshire building for some kettle corn. Bill got some too. I opted for the large economy size bag however.

The one thing I avoided was this electronic scale which compared your weight to that of farm things like bags of grain. I knew after eating all this my weight would rival that of a baby cow. So I just stood back while Bill checked it out.

I can't wait for round two later this week.


Anonymous said…
You two better be ready to go again this coming Friday! Billy weighs as much as a sack of grain. Great picture of the martinis. :)
Janet said…
Ouch it makes my stomach hurt just to look at all of that food -- I suggest liquid diet!

John Gascot said…
Looks fun! MMM...the Martinis made me thirsty.
Hey H&B - Looking forward to playing with you and bro at the Big E. Starting now to work up an apetite.

I was a very bad girl Janet. But I did stay away from the friend oreos and the clam fritters. I think I need to take a lesson or two from you on good eating habits.

The martinis were yummy John. We limited ourselves to one however so we wouldn't end up sleeping in the cow barn.
SassyFemme said…
The Big E is on our "maybe" agenda for next weekend, we haven't been to it since we moved here. It's hard to decide what to go to, there's just too many good things going on around the area almost every weekend now.
Anonymous said…
You hit it on opening day! You couldn't wait, could ya?

I went to the "Little E", the 4 Town Fair in Somers, CT.

SNL - Tina Fey! Told ya so!
Landlady of Fat said…
OMG PLEASE have some mini donuts for me!
Velvet Ginger said…
Oh wow!!!!! Lots & lots of naughty no no's! lol Glad you had fun!
(waving to blonde wherever she is)
Anonymous said…
Okay, so how did you avoid the clam fritters? I am incapable of dodging the fritters. Oh, sweet clam-y, brine-y, dough-y bits of goodness, I love you.

I also cannot avoid the hippy pizza in the VT building. Mmm, mmm, American Flatbread, how I do adore your nitrate-free pepperoni.

We traditionally make (multiple) stops at the Sam Adams beergarden, but do tell where you got those martinis?
Cristina said…
Oooo CJ, you must let me know when you are going to be there with exception of the 20th & 27th (WNBA & Melissa F respectively). Cannot miss those.
yum yum

my nick name is Big E...and if i was at that expo, eating all that yummy food, i would be an ENORMOUS E!

looks like fun!
Hey Sassy - I hope you get a chance to go. There's really so much to see and do there (and eat).I think you would like it.

I've never been before on opening day Chewy. I was actually hoping to be the first one through the gate but I didn't get there till 11:00. How wss the fair in Somers? I saw a clip of Tiny Fey on SNL - too funny!

Hi Tina! Next trip over there I will have to hit the mini donuts and report back. They looked pretty darn good.

I had a great time Rubye Jean. Love the Big E. It's the one of my favorites things about fall.

Hey Ladies - I thought about the clam fritters. I may grab a bag of those next time. I passed on the flat bread in the VT building and went for the Otter Creek Octoberfest instead. And you have to hit the Martini Tent - it's by one of the main gate entrances.

Hi Cristina - The fair runs till the 28th. I may try to sneak a day off from work and go. I'm thinking I need at least two more rounds.

Hey Miss Creek! Well that settles it - you have to make a trip out to western mass at some point so the Big E can visit the Big E!
Anonymous said…
Are you waving at Blondie?
Shrinky said…
A baby cow? Girl, you deserve to resemble the side of a house after downing all that lot, what's your secret, you got hollow legs or something?

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