I'm Finally Full

I'm done, stick a fork in me. Prior to the above maple cream cones, apple pie with cheddar cheese, and Maine lobster roll, there was the ham and cheese sandwich, nachos, and beer. I'm good now.

It is going to be a very rainy weekend here and chances are I will not be going back to the Big E for a round 4. If it was sunny, there is a chance that I would as I could always manage to fit in just one more Polish plate. But I think I have had enough fair-ground food to last me until next fall. What do you say ass and thighs? Ready to call it quits? Or would you rather I just throw on some bigger jeans?


Shrinky said…
You've earned the curse of the elastic waistband by now, surely? (Now there's a picture! Teehee..)
YUM! Gah, I love the lobster rolls!

What's that cone thingy?
Julie Joyce said…
LOL, throw on some bigger jeans, girl! That's what I would do. Oh, that is what I do ;-)
John Gascot said…
That sammich looks gooooood.
Anonymous said…
You must have a bottomless pit for a stomach. No way could I eat that much. (chuckle) We arrived and ate a full breakfast, snacked on Cream Puffs, Smithwick's Ale at the Irish Pub and a Martini and lunch at Storrowton.

Many purchases yesterday at the Big E. I came home with 2 hats this time and of course PEZ. I had treats take-out; Penuche Fudge, Maple Sugar Leaves and Beef Jerky. Oh and a little gifty for a friend.
SassyFemme said…
I think I just got hungry.
Janet said…
OMG -- so why aren't we friends on facebook? Hmmm...Janet Smith (Lansing, Mi) .

Seesh - follow the link on my blog.

Anonymous said…
I gotta go to this fair. That lobster roll put me over the edge. (Apologies to Reds Eats, Wiscasset ME

Go for the bigger jeans. Rain (and ass/thighs) be damned.
Velvet Ginger said…
Oh but It all looks so yummy!!!
I really like your new profile picture...ws going to tell you that before!
Velvet Ginger said…
Oh my goodness...I just read Chewy's comment...she had as many goodies as you I think! You guys should have pal-ed around together!
Hey Shrinky - LOL. Elastic waistbands and double sessions at the gym are the only thing that can save me now. I'll start Monday (after I have some beer and chips tonight.)

Hello Live Lesbian - Thank you for the visit! The cone thingy is filled with maple cream. It's like Vermont maple syrup, only in cream form. Very sweet and good.

Hi Jules - I like how you think. If the rain stops, there is a chance I may go back for one more round tomorrow.

Oh John, that lobster roll was soooo good. Really good.

I haven't tried the Cream Puffs Chewy. I did try the teriyaki turkey jerky - not bad. Sounds like you had a good sampling of food and drink. What kind of hats did you get?

Hey Sassy - I sure hope you ladies make it there if not this year than next. It would be worth the drive.

Hi Janet - You got it lady. I'll be stopping by to visit you on FaceBook.

Hey Lyn - I'm telling you, that lobster roll was one of the best I have ever had. You and Rita need to make a trip out here next year.

Thank you Rubye Jean! Not much food that was good for you but lots that was really good to eat. I bumped into quite a few people I knew but unfortunately did run into Chewy. Between the two of us, I think we could have sampled quite a bit.

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