The First Signs Of Fall

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Mums, twisted yellow bumpy squash thingies, cider donuts, and Berkshire Brewing Company Oktoberfest Lager. I think Autumn may have arrived here in western Massachusetts.


Mon said…
You are getting an actual fall, and we are jumping right into winter...I'm JEALOUS!!

Oh..and what is a "cider-donut?"
SassyFemme said…
I love everything about fall!

It's so weird to look at a picture on someone else's blog and think, "Hey, I was just there!"
Anonymous said…
When I think of fall I think of... Sam Adams Octoberfest, the Big E (Eastern States Exposition), and motorcycle rides!!

And of course closing the pool (so sad) and raking (yuck - HATE raking).
Anonymous said…
Looks wonderful! I'm ready for fall!
Anonymous said…
Hi there, great blog!

Oh Atkins, I love you. I'm also a Western Mass native, but we've now relocated to Connecticut. Most importantly, we can get BBC here now, so we're no longer taking trips across the straight line solely to buy beer! (We're still up there all the time, of course. "you can take the girl out of Western Mass....."
Velvet Ginger said…
Wonderful, Fun, Beautiful things about fall! I laughed about the bumpy "thingys" lol.
There are several different squash there, many different "summer squash". It cools down here in the fall (whew), no falling leaves though!
Rita said…
Gawd I love Fall! The smell of the leaves on the ground and homemade pumpkin pie in the oven! Mmmmmmmmmm
Anonymous said…
about that donut? cider? is that some east coast thing?

i bought three mums yesterday and the bengals lost. it's fall alright.
Anonymous said…
Football, Apple Pies, Pumpkin Pie, Bratwursts on the grill, Apple Cider, Purple leaves on the trees, Sausage and Pepper grinders, (sorry blondie), cold bottle of BBC steel rail, nothing like Fall in New England.
those mums sure are gorgeous, aren't they/ and the bumpy twisty yellow things...well....they just are!

i feel like making pumpkin pie!
I am so not ready for winter OC. I hope you folks at least get some nice fall days before too much snow flies. You've never had a cider donut?

Hey Sassy - I just love buying goodies from Atkins. What a fun place to shop.

And the Patriots too Blondie. Well, I used to think of them anyway.

Hey Trinity - As much as I love summer, I think I am ready too. Almost.

Hello Ladies! Thank you for the visit. I'm surprised you can get BBC in CT. I could never find it in Boston. Hopefully you are not too far a drive from Atkins now that you are in CT.

Hey Rubye - I'm curious to know how cool it gets in AZ? What happens there in the fall?

Rita you are making me hungy. I think I'll go have a cider donut after I get done here.

I'm not sure Lyn if it is just an east coast thing or not. They seem pretty popular here. Sorry your Bengals lost but more sorry our Pats lost their starting QB for the year :(

What time should I be over McMeaty? Oh man does that sound good.

Hey Ms. Creek - I love the various colors of the Mums. I didn't bring any home with me but it gives me an excuse to go back.
Velvet Ginger said…
Fall is just a slight relief from winter. Winter is a reason to plant...a reason to BBQ and stay outside more!!!
When you are shoveling snow..I have my feet propped up, turning the chicken on the grill, drinking Corona! (no snakes hon)
Anonymous said…
When I was at UMASS, we "borrowed" a couple pumpkins from Atkins. We forgot to give them back. Oops!

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