Ladies, Start Your Engines

Notes to self:

1) Get a tripod

2) Camera should point at my face, not my bottom

3) Wind is loud

4) Neighbors think I am talking to myself when filming alone - not good


Mon said…
How cool is that? I'm so jealous, I can't get on mine for another week. Do you ever ride it to work?
Cristina said…
I have to wait till next Spring to get myself a toy like that but it is going to be worth the wait.
I used to ride to work OC when I lived in Boston. Where I live now is too far away from work to ride in. Riding is better here- much less traffic. Hope you can get on that ATV soon.
It will be worth the wait Cristina. It's a lot of fun and a nice way to meet new people. Plus you would look good in chaps :).
Cristina said…
Don't think the bike will make my butt look big, but I am sure those chaps will.
Anonymous said…
Nice butt! Like me... you need a higher tripod. LOL!
Anonymous said…
From HN & BN - You are too cute!
Rita said…
How fun! I have always been curious about motorcycles. Perhaps one day I will take a few lessons and buy one myself.....just for fun. It will drive Lyn crazy but it will be fun! LOL
Lesbianlife said…
Nice bike! I keep thinking I will get on one someday... I liked the clip. Hot!
Velvet Ginger said…
It looks just fine to me!
Cute clip there! The sound effects were the best!
Anonymous said…
When do we ride? Mrs. Moto and I are ready!!
Anonymous said…
very nice...a good way to explore and meet people...hint go to ace hardware and you can get a little solar battery charger that trickles the battery all the time
Hey thanks Chewy (blush).

HN and BN - I think you two should get some bikes so we can all go for a ride.

Hey Rita - they are a lot of fun. Maybe you could covince Lyn to hop on the back :).

I didn't try riding till my mid-30's LesLife. Took a break for a few years and started up again. Maine must have some beautiful places to ride.
Thanks Rubye Jean! Next time I will try to shoot higher.

Mr. Moto - I will be ready on May 5th. Are you two taking that day off?

Hey Robert - Thanks for the tip. I didn't know they made solar battery chargers.
Anonymous said…
No, Mrs. Moto is working but I have the day off!! If we are not too wiped from the cruise, I would love to ride with y'all. Maybe Maine and get some lobsta' it's only a few hundred miles!
Anonymous said…
Ooh! I want one. That looks like a lot of fun. The bike is nice, too. (Just kidding. I couldn't help myself :o)

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