One Minute And Counting

Too late to walk, we were still in the cab at 6:55, approaching the street on which the garage was located. It was one-way, which meant we had to jump out of the cab and make a run for it. After almost plowing over some tourists waiting for a bus at the Hard Rock Cafe, we made it to the garage.
"Wait here", I said as I ran up the ramp to the stairwell. Just two flights up and I would be at the car. Panting and feeling chest pains, I arrived at the car, threw my bag in the back seat, and drove as fast as I could back down the ramp.
For some reason I felt compelled to stop to throw my niece in the car before proceeding to the booth. I pulled her in and headed for the shortest line. She started whining about her foot being caught in the door but I didn't care. I needed that early bird rate damn it.
I get to the cashier at 6:59 PM (according to the garage digital clock with the bright red numbers). The cashier looks at me and smiles, to which I politely responded "PUNCH IT, PUNCH IT!".
Oh sweet victory was mine. Take that all you greedy Boston garage owners!
When I go out in Northampton, it's something like 15 cents an hour. I love it. But in Boston, it's more like $5 for the first half hour and then so much per hour.
How was parking on those hills in SF?
Kansas City is fairly big city but not big enough that parking is like that.
I can actually picture you running those stairs...your friend half out the car clinging for her life...and some dramatic music as you wait for him to punch that card.
Sweet victory!!
I'll mention it to the designer, thanks for letting me know.
Parking is even more fun in Boston when it snows. That's when some folks do leave their cars parked permanently or at least until the snow melts.
crap. i can't read the word verification. amaomdb????