
I want to give a shout out to friend, fellow blogger and filmmaker, Laine, was interviewed Sunday evening on A World Of Progress Radio where she discussed her current project.

I think this film is going to have it all - intrigue, drama, suspense. And it's based on lesbian characters. What more could a girl ask for?

Please see Laine's website, Magnolia Bay Films, for additional details.


Taradharma said…
I enjoyed her interview very much. The hosts were so damned excited -- I think they really can hook Laine up with some useful people in LA LA Land.

Great to see a movie project being born, and to hear the filmmaker's story. I'm so excited for all of us! It'll be great to see this baby.
Laine said…
Thanks for the shout out, and always, for your friendship. B.I.G. love.

(Thx to Tara,too!)

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