Hold Onto Your Hat!
The beach hat - fashion accessory or personal protective equipment (PPE)?
The Big Brim Baby Blue Beach Beanie:
With all the talk of sun safety, beach hats are now as common as coolers and and umbrellas. Here are a few examples.
This hat has three functions. First, it keeps the sun of your face and the face of everyone else in your party. Second, it serves as a landing spot for seagulls and seaplanes. Lastly, it converts to a picnic table on which you can set all your beach snacks.
The Two Hats Are Better Than One Hat:
Hmmmm. White visor or straw beach hat? Stop stressing over the decision and wear both! You get the protection of a wide brim hat plus the sportiness of a visor all rolled into one here. Tennis anyone?
The Plain Jane Chapeau:
What do you get when you cross Roseanne Rosannadanna + Bozo + Wayne from Wayne's World?
Also, please notice my additional PPE of a long sleeve shirt. You can never be too careful. My attire, coupled with my 100 SPF, left me whiter than I was before I left home. Party on Garth.
I cover up for vanity's sake - age spots on the face are yucky - and yet the hat does nothing to support a chic appearance...oh well.
I was so expecting a pic of you in helmet.
I wear a big,wide black floppy visor, it looks stupid. My silver hair sticks thru the top.
I got old this year. whatever.