Lobster Fest

Why am I up at 11:15 posting pictures of giant lobsters when I have to get up at 5:00 AM and drive my ass to work 68 miles away? Must be blog fever. I am so going to hate myself tomorrow.
Anyway, these giant crustaceans pulled from the waters of New England are probably the biggest lobsters I have ever seen on a plate (my apologies to the vegans out there, seriously). I didn't eat one of these because I trusted the cream sitting in the sun on the table at the diner where we had breakfast. I thought I was going to have to run into the woods for a toilet 911 on the way to the beach that morning and I didn't want a repeat performance. Too much information I know. Zip it CJ.
Time for bed. Have a pleasant Friday everyone.
My word verification: cityless so true it makes me sad...
Those are some pretty Crawfishes!
(Did I mention how much we missed you????)
We've taken the motorcycles down there a few weeks ago. Nice ride. You should try it sometime!
Mrs. Moto
Hi Lesbo! LOL, yes, those bad boys tipped the scale.
Solo! I swear it was not the Sapphire! Now what's up with crawfish? Do they taste like crab or lobster or what? And how does one get the meat out? (Did I mention how much I missed you too!)
Hey McMeaty! Thank you so much for that recommendation. What a nice way to spend a summer evening. I definitely want to go back so I can get my turn at one of those.
Hi Mrs. Moto! I bet that was a nice ride on the bikes. Did you take back roads or the highway because you know I am a total wimp on the highway with the bike. Blondie controlled herself and only ate one - and I think she was very happy with her dinner.
Hi Lilli! Yes, the girls very much enjoyed their dinners. Every single bite!
Hey Pixie! Is the lazyman lobster usually stuffed? I don't think I've ever ordered that. I usually need help when I order the whole ones - I don't have the knack of how to get all the meat out.
Chewy! I think we actually brought home a bag or two. Funny how no one was too concerned about the chips while those lobsters were in front of them.
I haven't had lobster in ages...yum!