Coco Onesie

Poor Coco is having issues with incontinence again. So in addition to the doggie diapers, she is wearing a onesie to help keep the diaper in place and hopefully prevent her from wetting the bed.

I had to get up to pee at 4:00 AM this morning. The idea of the diaper and the onesie may not be such a bad thing after all.


Blondie said…
Coco is soooooo cute in her onesie! I just LOVE her!
Anonymous said…
Oh poor pup. Is she older, or is it a medical issue causing the problem?
Anonymous said…
I had a dog that had incontinence. My Vet prescribed a med to help her with it, I think it's the same med that people take. Anyway, it worked for her.
Solo said…
AAaaaawwwwwww, Pup. How adorable, CJ!
Windy Days said…
I hate that she's having trouble, but lordy, lordy is she the cutest thing you ever saw?!
Hey Blondie - Coco looks pretty cozy in her jammies.

Hi Pixie! Coco is 13 years old. She is such a gentle and good dog and fun to dress up!

Hello Jude! That's good to know. That would be great if meds would help the problem. It's no fun waking up on a wet sheet. Does that sound right?

Thank you Solo. She is like a little Teddy Bear.

That is very sweet of you Windy! Thank you for the nice comment! Coco is missing a few teeth (well, several), which makes her even a little more cute I think.
Oh shoot, I think she just peed on the blanket next to me while I was commenting. Time to get the diaper on!
ahhh poor coco and you!
Ronia Nash said…
She must be so snuggly as those onesie's are really soft. How cute!
Anonymous said…
Yes, that's what was happening to my dog. When she was sleeping that's when she would lose control of her bladder. Once I had her on the med. she was fine. Good luck, she's a little cutie.
Velvet Ginger said…
That's so dang cute...does she get hot?
I hear ya girl..Depends sound better and better everyday!
lynt said…
Mutlett is sooooo jealous. You're a good mama.
Rita said…
Awww poor pup! You are a good mama!
Anonymous said…
OMG she is so cute in her little onesie. But I feel for you both. When our bulldog Meg was having chemo we had some pee 'n poop problems and it was *not* fun at all. I hope you manage to contain things...
John Gascot said…
Our Basset, Lola, takes PROIN.
She still has accidents now and then, but doesn't lose control while she's asleep any more.

This is a VERY good thing, being that she sleeps in between me and the hubby.
Karen said…
Awwww! She's so cute.
Mandee Shaffer said…
My coco has problems too with wetting! I never thought of putting a onesie on her to keep her diapers on! THanks for the idea! I'll be sure to try that out! That picture is precious.

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