Call Me

Just one more reason why I love my friend Stiffy. She can tell it like it is....


Ronia Nash said…
if she was leaving a v/m then it was way too long.....
lesbo said…
that's one helluva a vm!

did she get a return call?!
Anonymous said…

Did you request Blondie's "Call Me" for an audio?
Yes Rizzo, that was a vm. Long? That was short for Stiffy.

Hey Lesbo! Yes, she did get a return call (and a date). Whoops, was I not supposed to say that?

Hi Chewy! Yes, I thought it would be funny to add Call Me to the background. I'm digging iMovie!
did she have a few under her belt before she made that call or was it early in the evening? lol
LOL Ms. Creek. She had one martini and one glass of wine I believe. She wasn't too bad, yet...
Anonymous said…
Ms Creek asked the question which was on my mind.

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