Not so straight up with a twist, a dose of irreverent nonsense awaits.
The Story Of The Little Bird
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Birdie, birdie, on my pool gate you sit.
You and your mate, you peep and you flit.
But when I shouted shoo,
You dropped some more poo,
And now my patio is all covered with shit.
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Blondie said…
You can say that again!! The birds just LOVE to sit on our pool fence and poop on our patio! I wish I knew of a secret way to send them to our neighbors house who feeds them. Let them poop where they eat. I don't care! I just want them to stop pooping in our yard!
That was brilliant! No seriously, I have pooping birds, but not right now, right now I have 6 or more inches of snow on my deck, covering up plant stands, trikes, bikes and BBQs. Make it stop and I'll take little pooping birds, I swear I will!
Hey Blondie - Seems like the birds are smart enough not to poop in the yard where they are fed.
Thank you Lesbo! These little ones sit on my gate almost every morning.
Hi Lilligirl - Neither of those situations is good. Hope they at least leave you a little bit of seed.
Hey A - That is cool. Hope they are not messing up your stoop with poop.
Hi OC - Let's see, bird poop vs snow. I think I'll stick with the poop. Sorry about that. You know I think you're the best and everything, but I can't handle any more snow this year! Love the word verification!
Anonymous said…
Poor little thing. It looks like a baby. Have pity! (giggle)
Heading back to Boston after a fun day in Ptown. We met Beverly Leslie (Leslie Jordan) from Will And Grace. Pics on Facebook to follow! - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone Location: United States
Here's an interesting texting typo I created last week: And if airline seats get any smaller, I can see this being an actual problem. Can you imagine? I'm sorry ma'am, but there is no way both of you can seat in one seat. You will have to purchase an additional ticket for "her". What would happen then? Would she want the window or middle seat? That's assuming she would even want to sit next to me. I mean, we are together 24/7 so she may want a little alone time, out in the open air, where she is free of any restraint. And what if she is chatty, flapping her lips the whole time? I'm not a big talker when I travel, preferring instead to bury my head in a magazine so I can take my mind off the flight and enjoy my Ativan. I imagine the conversation going as such: She: I hate that bike seat at spin class. You have no idea what it's like. Me: Spin class is only 50 minutes. You can handle it. I bought you padded shorts. Those weren't ...
Salsa Shark I'm going on vacation in a few weeks to some place warm. Thought it might be a good idea today to try on my shorts. All of them, except for four pairs, somehow shrunk in my drawer over the winter. So off to the mall I went. I picked up a few pairs of shorts, along with a big new suitcase. Can somebody please tell me when a suitcase started costing between $200 and $350? Who needs ballistic nylon encasing their bathing suit and suntan lotion? Apparently a lot of folks do because the suitcases I saw could withstand any sort of attack, foreign or domestic. Nice to know if, God forbid, the plane goes down, my underwear will remain intact inside my Samsonite. I better be careful what I pack. Somethings are better not found. I finished off my evening with dinner at a Mexican restaurant. That's when the Salsa Shark appeared. If only I had handy my new suitcase that doubles as a shark cage. Oh well, maybe I can try that feature while on vacation.
you are brilliant!
love this!
My word verification sounds naughty:
Thank you Lesbo! These little ones sit on my gate almost every morning.
Hi Lilligirl - Neither of those situations is good. Hope they at least leave you a little bit of seed.
Hey A - That is cool. Hope they are not messing up your stoop with poop.
Hi OC - Let's see, bird poop vs snow. I think I'll stick with the poop. Sorry about that. You know I think you're the best and everything, but I can't handle any more snow this year! Love the word verification!
(long time lurker.. would like to continue lurking)