Girl Toys

What girl doesn't love a bed full of toys.........


Anonymous said…
Her toys are all in such good shape compared to Molly's. Molly almost always takes one toy to bed with her, the rest are piled up whichever room she last left them.
LilliGirl said…
did she gather them on her own? Cool...Mine like to pull them all out and leave them scattered in the liing room
Blondie said…
Cierra doing a 'sit pretty' amongst her toys! LOVE it!

That one big toy down in front is bigger than she is! LOL!!

This pic reminds me of E.T. :)
girls just wanna have fun!
lesbo said…
i second that.. what girl doesn't like a bed full of toys?! ;)

i love how she's posed for the picture. so cute!
Janet said…
Hmmm - her's all look different than mine do. :-)
I'm with her! Only, I don't think we use the same brands.
Otter said…
Oh my god is she cute!!!
Anonymous said…
Okay, that is the cutest picture ever. She's adorable.

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