The Family That Sings Together...

I posted this picture on FB the other day with the caption "Cannot believe this group still isn't popular."  And from the comments received, I'm worried people didn't realize I was being sarcastic. Yes, hard to believe but I was.

The 70's brought us lots of these family bands - The Osmonds, The Jackson 5, The Partridge Family (Laurie's organ was never plugged in), the DeFranco Family and even the Brady's. They all wore those same outfits - the tight fitting bell bottom polyester pants, boots with big chunky heels, and shirts with collars large enough to swaddle a 10 pound infant. 

Sometimes when I'm alone I like to put on a pair of those pants, grab a wooden spoon for a makeshift microphone, and sing "Time To Change" at the top of my lungs.  But you probably already knew that about me.*

*See paragraph 1 reference regarding sarcastic behavior


Taradharma said…
I just don't know .... Marsha's dress was waaaayyyy to short! Isn't this a family blog?* see your own asteric.

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