Your Topic Tuesday
"Update your blog slacker." That was the text I got today from my niece. Nice way to talk to your aunt, Puddin' Pants.
I thought it might be fun to try a theme day. I'm going with Your Topic Tuesday where I post about a subject picked by one of you. (If I have any readers left after my two week hiatus). So feel free to post some ideas here or send me an email at If I don't know anything about the subject matter, I'll make it up. You in? Cool.
Random thoughts about nothing:
- One month on Nutrisystem - 9 pounds lost!
- I have a cold.
- Anyone have any thoughts on things you shouldn't miss on your first visit to Vegas?
- Northampton Pride this weekend!
Sorry to hear you're sick. Sounds like you need to stay home today.
I'd give ya some hints, but you know what they say...what happens in Vegas....well.
Take care, CJ.
And if you want to get out of the city there's a cool ride through red rock canyon.
Congrats on your weight loss. If you want some ideas of what to do in Vegas, watch "The Hangover". Some dandy ideas in there. I don't recommend peeing in Mike Tyson's pool though.
ideas? heck, i can't hardly think of any myself!