NutriSystem Week Three

I'm on my third week of NutriSystem and I'm down about 6 pounds. That's three pounds in each boob. And I was so enjoying finally being a full A cup. Oh well.

I'm noticing my stomach is gurgling loudly right before lunch time, usually while I am in a meeting. I fear that the noise emanating from my stomach may be misinterpreted as a trouser cough.

I'm going to Vegas this spring. And since I'm on the NutriSystem kick, I bet you can guess what show I'm going to see. You got it - Donny and Marie! Once Marie sees me in the audience, I'm pretty sure she is going to know I'm a NutriSystem sister and invite me on stage to do a Paper Roses duet. That will be awesome. She's a little bit country, and I'm a little bit hungry.

Have a great weekend!


but their your imitation love for me, lmao. haven't thought about that song for a while!

have fun in vegas and good luck on that diet. i've cut out sweets (mostly) and started working out last december, as of yesterday, i'm down 22 pounds! it takes time but it's worth it!

too bad your flight doesn't go through montana! i'd love to buy you a cup of coffee :o)
Shrinky said…
Vegas? OMG, I couldn't trust myself there, I have a bad enough compulsive personality as it is! And huge cudos with the diet. I know the pain of losing weight.. not that you look to need to drop any, but I lost over three stone (45lbs), and know the difference it can make to the quality of life - five years, and I haven't gained, diets can, and do work! As for Marie - I'm ashamed to admit, it was her borther, Donny, I once wrote a huge, cringingly adolecent love letter to - ugh, how embarrassing!
Anonymous said…
OMG that was funny! "trouser cough"? Bahahaha.
John Gascot said…
"trouser cough"??? I'm dyin.
Taradharma said…
interesting to observe how the body responds to change. Just think: you've lost more than a sack of flour!

I want a video of that duet....
Karen said…
God, CJ, you're hilarious :o)
PJ said…
Wow, that video brings me back more years than I want to admit to. lol

Good luck with the dieting. I've also started dieting. It works on greed, the more you lose, the more you want to lose. *evil laugh*

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