Irene Quote Of The Day Friday December 4, 2009

A continuing series of conversations with my 84 year old Mother.

On the phone, while I was driving home from work, my Mother explained to me what she would do if Tiger were her husband:

"I'd say come on honey, let's go to bed. Then I would take a match to his balls and put a cigarette lighter up his rear. That would curb his urge for a while because he would have a burned rear and burned balls."



Angie said…
You go girl...LOL
Anonymous said…
I did that to KN. It doesn't last long enough .....
Anonymous said…
Although, if your Mom was married to Tiger I don't think even the thought of cheating would have entered his nuts, I mean head.
C.I.W. said…
Omg. I just peed myself.

I love your mother.
SquirtyB said…
OMG. That would certainly teach him a lesson! I feel like I should give your mother a high five.
lesbo said…
she is brilliant!
haha. oh man, i might have peed my pants laughing at this.
CJ said…
Well now! I guess she just solved the problem! That is hilarious!
Anonymous said…
My Dad said, "Even though he's had all these mistresses... I still like Tiger."
Unknown said…
there's a guy with a twitter feed and facebook page called "sh** my dad says" who just got a book deal. it's hilarious!

you could probably do the same with Irene's words of wisdom!

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