Question Of The Day - Where's Your Pumpkin From?

Blondie asked me the other day if pumpkins grow in Florida. I said "No, they grow in a pumpkin patch."
Being extremely ignorant of geography and what grows where, (despite getting an A in Plant Biology in college), I now need to know. Montana, Michigan, California, Oregon, Florida, Virginia, Texas, Minnesota, Ohio, Kentucky, Arizona - Do you grow your own pumpkins for Halloween or do you have them brought in from New England??
Any and all answers greatly appreciated.
I get mine from southern NJ.
anxious to go pick my pumpkin :)
Miss you, Girlie!
And in case you're wondering, we have X-Mas tree farms as well...
Good to know Lesbo. Otherwise I was going to have to mail you one.
Solo! LMAO! Too funny. I thought it would be too hot in Texas to grow pumpkins! Now that I know however, I imagine they are mammoth. Miss you too buddy!
Lyn you rock! Three states in one shot - awesome. Ok, my snobby New England butt won't question you folks in other parts of the country again. LOL about the Christmas Tree comment.
And, you, Ms. Martini Cartwheels - Michigan grows our OWN damned pumpkins! We don't need any imported ones. Besides - is there anyplace w/ room enough to grow pumpkins in New England?
Shrinky grows her own. Makes pie and soup! She even sent me a photo of her pumpkin patch.
I'm gonna' creep out in the dead of night and torch them all, just see if I don't. Mutter, mutter..