You Free Today Ernie?

Hey Dad,

I know it's been 6 years now since we last spoke, but I'm going to an angel party today and I was really hoping you would stop by for a chat. I'm a little worried since you were never very aggressive and I think there will be quite a few folks on the other side who will be trying to get the medium's attention. But if you could spare a few minutes today, that would be very cool.



PS - Please tell me they have Sam Adams over there.

PSS - Remember when we would ask you to do a cartwheel for us in the backyard after you had your Saturday evening martini and you would kindly oblige us? I will always remember those martini cartwheels.


Mon said…
Good luck luv....I hope your dad shows up. I can't believe your dad died six years ago, so did mine, on Sept 13th of this year, it will be 6 years...
Anonymous said…
Love you CJ! Love, H&B
Windy Days said…
CJ! You made me cry, you bad girl. I hope he comes, Sweetie. Let us know, will you?

Cathy, huh? I had imagined you as a Cynthia Jane.

Big hugs.
Anonymous said…
(tear filled eyes) He'll be around. Clear a space for his cartwheel.
lesbo said…
martini cartwheels... i love it.

anxious to hear how things panned out.
Mon said…
Update please!
Solo said…
That you shared this with us is overwhelming. I know your Dad is so proud of the woman you've become.
I love ya, CJ.
LilliGirl said…
Whoo! Go Dad, he sounds like a dream come true.

I hope you go twhat you needed today (hug)
I'm sure he's still doing those martini cartwheels on the other side!

(((CJ))) hugs, girl...i hear ya...
now i understand the name of your blog~
Thanks everyone for the very sweet comments.

I had a good one on one with the angel therapist/medium. Some things were off some had significant meaning. She did say she was getting an image of a car which was interesting since I have had recurring dreams about my Dad driving a car with me sitting the the backseat. Also, when he got to a point when my sister and I didn't feel he should be driving, it was not too easy to convince my Mom that he should stop. During the reading, when the medium had connected with my Dad, my cell phone ran and it was my mother.

It was a positive experience and I felt pretty good about the messages she was getting. I've very glad that I went.
this is one of my favorite blog posts ever...
That is very sweet of you to say Ms. Creek. I appreciate that. Thank you.
Windy Days said…
I'm with Ms. Creek. This was amazing, CJ. And brave, too.
and i appreciate your honesty and your bravery, as well!

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