Morning swim classes have been cancelled at The Wet Spot.


Anonymous said…
More like the Frozen Spot. Got ice skates?
Anonymous said…
brr. but on a curious note -- is that like, a state forest behind the wet spot or something?
Hey Chewy - No ice skates but I do have snow shoes. Which I have had for 2 years and never used. Maybe it's a good time to break them out.

Hi Amy! Ok, ladies, it's time for winter skinny-dipping. Calling one and all.....

Hey Lyn - My back property goes down to a river. There are trees lining the banks on both sides. It's nice and woodsy and private.
Blondie said…
Chewy cracks me up!
Blondie said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
Hi Blondie.

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