PO'd at HP
I'm kind of pissed at Hewlett Packard. I bought an HP digital photo frame for my Mom's 86th birthday. She's pretty miserable living in a nursing home so anytime she gets a gift she actually likes, it is a big deal. I loaded up something like 150 pics, set the frame up in her room, and programmed it to run from early morning to her usual bed time. And don't you know, the effing thing stopped working 3 months after I bought it.
Customer service was only slightly helpful. Long and short of it is they won't replace it without a receipt (which I don't think I have). I could accept that - if I hadn't read so many threads online about how other folks had similar issues with their HP digital frames. Or should I say digital shames?
I saw today that HP is laying off something like 25,000 people. Maybe if your frames didn't suck you would sell more of them thereby making enough money to keep your workforce intact.
Customer service was only slightly helpful. Long and short of it is they won't replace it without a receipt (which I don't think I have). I could accept that - if I hadn't read so many threads online about how other folks had similar issues with their HP digital frames. Or should I say digital shames?
I saw today that HP is laying off something like 25,000 people. Maybe if your frames didn't suck you would sell more of them thereby making enough money to keep your workforce intact.