Git Up!

Happy Sunday morning!

Stiffy is up for a visit but currently out for the count. I shouldn't be too harsh, considering I got up this morning to find a text message from her that included a pic of me sleeping on the couch last night. Damn margaritas.

Anyway, Stiffy, Blondie and I are supposed to check out a winery today. The weather has finally cleared up and I think it will be a good day for a little ride. I'm looking forward to taking some pictures of my own with my new wide angle lens. It will come in handy for capturing Stiffy sampling 5 glasses of wine concurrently.

I worked out this morning - ran for a half hour on the treadmill. I kind of feel like throwing up now. When are all those exercise endorphins suppose to kick in? Probably won't happen until after I have a donut.

Enjoy your day. And as I tweeted a few minutes ago, don't let your Monday spoil your Sunday!


35jupe said…
There's a winery there. I am sooo happy. (I'm going to be in that area this summer.)

Have fun.

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