Happy 87th Birthday Irene!

We celebrated Irene's 87th birthday this past week. Highlights included:
  • Irene calling her 3 year old great grandson Daniel by the name Donald all evening
  • Irene's table-mate Josie calling Daniel by the name Shannon all evening (Shannon is my niece and Daniel's mother)
  • Josie sharing the story of how the last time she was on a horse she laughed so hard she peed her pants
  • Serving cake to Irene and her friends and then 10 minutes later answering the question"Did I have a piece of cake?"
  • Seeing Irene actually smile


tattytiara said…
An interesting event for Daniel, sounds like! 87 years, wow. For that you should get a second helping of cake.
Taradharma said…
it's the little things, really, that make an event memorable! Not that Irene will remember it, but if I can even attend such an event at 87, I will be most appreciative.

aging is not for the sissies, the weak, the cowards. you gotta rise up and proclaim your chutzpah every day!
Laine said…
Irene has made it to 87 because she has such loving children.

I'm fortunate to know one of them.
Very interesting indeed Tatty! I agree - you should get another slice and a martini!
Right on Tara. I think Irene had fun. Hopefully the pics of the party I loaded into a digital frame we got her for her birthday will help her to remember the evening.
That's very sweet of you to say Laine. Most times I feel like I should be doing more. Work takes up way too much time and I don't visit as often as I should. But when I do go, I try to get some laughs out of Irene.
LilliGirl said…
I am so glad you guys had a good time. I know what you mean about life being too busy to devote all we wish to our loved ones. I wish I didn't. Cherish the memories, girl. Cherish them. :)
Thanks for the reminder Lilly. It's easy to get caught up in the stuff that, relatively speaking, won't really ever make a difference in the end.
Mon said…
I love your stories about Irene...it just makes me giggle so hard I'm going to pee my pants...no seriously...I've SO been there, and you have to laugh or you'll cry. What kind of cake? I hope you told her "no...now you need to have another piece of cake Irene"....
We had a delicious chocolate cake with white frosting Mon from the kosher bakery. It was one of the best cakes ever - love that real sweet frosting! So true - if you don't laugh and make the best of it, it does make you feel like crying. We cut Irene and extra piece of cake to take back to her room but I'm not sure she ever ate it. She probably forgot about it.

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