Waiting For The Storm To Pass Through This Part Of The State

I am currently sitting on the floor in the Sheraton Hotel in Framingham. I pulled in off the highway about 30 minutes ago. Tornadoes have touched down in western Mass and are moving through the state.

A few minutes after entering the building, the alarm sounded and we were instructed to move to the basement. Waiting out the storm...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Goodnow Ln,Framingham,United States


They passed out bottled water. Nice touch. Wish I could be home with my Belle right now. I'm worried about the rest of my family in western Mass.
Anonymous said…
Be safe! I watched the video of the earlier tornado - Holy Crap! And you have more coming through again. Smart of you to get off the highway, trucks overturned, cars demolished, trees and debris flying. Radar doesn't have anything going in Western MA, right now mostly in Springfield and east.
Staying at a hotel tonight. I'm not chancing the drive. Thank you Barb and Small Town for your concern.
Taradharma said…
I'm glad you're staying put for the night, CJ! Better safe than sorry! Let us know how it all pans out.

Even out in California, we've had funnel clouds spotted 20 miles down the road from where I am.

Hope you get a good night's sleep!
Thank you Tara. So funky weather in your neck of the woods too? Tornadoes are pretty unusual for us here Mass. Our home was spared but it looks like there is a lot of damage in surrounding towns. I have some family without power but other than that, friends and family are ok.
Taradharma said…
whew, CJ. Glad it wasn't worse. Yeah, I didn't think Western MA was exactly tornado alley....

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