Heavy Hearts

Coco Chanel Chase November 26, 2010

Our loving and wonderful Yorkshire Terrier Coco passed away this morning at home in Blondie's arms.

Coco was Blondie's sweet girl. She was loving and gentle and everything a human could want in a canine companion. For the last 15 years Coco was always by Blondie's side.

Rest in peace Coco. We love you.


Taradharma said…
oh what a beautiful girl! So sad, I'm so sorry for you. sounds like she had a very happy life. RIP dear coco.
Anonymous said…
Sorry for your loss.
LilliGirl said…
I know she will be dearly missed. I'm sorry. (((HUGS)))
KMae said…
That is so sad.
I was weeping hysterically when we had to put our schnauzer down in my arms. It was the worst day of my life.
Poor Blondie.
What a beautiful little doggie Coco is.
Peace & love to you all.
Susan C said…
I'm so sorry to hear it, CJ. Thinking of you.
Anonymous said…
I have wet eyes. Sweet sleep, dear Coco.
C.I.W. said…
oh no.. I am so sorry..
Anonymous said…
I'm so sorry.
Solo said…
My Golden, Jessie, will be Coco's friend in doggie Heaven.

Condolences to Blondie and you. I'm sorry I didn't check in sooner, Sugar. Big love from me and Nat.
Thank you to everyone here for your kind words. It is very comforting to have such support during this transition. The house seems so empty with only one dog - there is such a void without Coco.

She popped into my head today. In my mind I saw her as younger and healthier, able to run, see, and hear - none of which she could do in the last couple of months. I truly believe she is on the other side, playing with Solo's Jessie and all your other precious four legged friends who have passed on.

I miss her dearly.

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