Is That A Kielbasa On Your Plate?

What is your home town known for? Mine is the home of the world's largest kielbasa. Kind of funny that a lesbian is from a place where they are proud of their giant sausage. I should have been born in northern Alberta, Canada, the home of the world's largest beaver dam. Although, there is nothing like a good Polish plate. But then again, there is also nothing like a good --- oh never mind.


KMae said…
Taradharma said…
Freakin' funny! I know for a fact that some lesbians really appreciate a good kielbasa!
McMeaty said…
Damn! That's a damn fine polish plate...

thought you might find this funny.
Love This!!!!!

My hometown, in fact, is known for the "Humungus Fungus" that spans just about the size of the entire county... Underground of course!! The annual "Humungus Fungus Fest" is held every year in August!

The plus side of this outrageous excuse for an annual festival is that they make rockin' good, 10x10 foot mushroom pizza every year!!

It can be Googled if you are interested in more info!!

Anonymous said…
I like mine with spicy mustard.
Mon said…
OMG...I'm laughing my ass off here....I think my hometown is known for giant tumbleweed snowmen...

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