Wine and Wii


Blondie said…
I love it! This video totally cracks me up! I don't know what my favorite part is.... B sleeping through it all... H going to town... CJ going to town... or the funny noises at the end. You two are a couple of Raving Rabbids alright!!

Fun game! It was fun to watch, too.

H did great for her first time playing. I thought CJ might knock her over or giver her a little bump to the side just so she could win.
Blondie said…
I also like CJ's little kick that she does while she's playing. It's cute.
Anonymous said…
OK, you guys are on crack. I'm thinking a lot of wine was drunk. Bill passed out and Red going to town with the Wii.

Ronia Nash said…
that was awesome. I wish I was there.
Anonymous said…
Hey - why wasn't I invited over?


Mrs. Sanchez
Ummm, okay...

That's quite the creative video!

Looks like you guys are having lots of fun and the gentleman on the couch is enjoying himself, as well! lol

i've never played Wii, now i want to!
Velvet Ginger said… guys got kind of wild!!! Looks liek you had a good time...I was really laughing...didn't bother your sleeping friend a bit did it? lol
Blondie said…
OMG! I just watched it again for like the umpteenth time but this time I watched it on FULL SCREEN mode and it is even better!! I highly recommend it.

TOOOOooooo funny!!
Blondie said…
We miss you, too, Ronia!!!
Anonymous said…
Wii looks like too much fun. Wheeee! You guys crack me up.
Blondie said…
I think my favorite part is at the end when you both think the game is over and then suddenly you both kick into action and start circling the remote around.

Although H going to town with her tongue hanging out is pretty darn funny.

The whole thing is just F-U-N-N-Y!
Anonymous said…
I can't believe you put that on there! What was up with my mouth? Good grief! That was too much FUN! I love the Wii with the girlz! :) Yes--my husband is a party animal... :) Although he and Belle had lots of wine and port...Rock ON! H.
SassyFemme said…
OMG, that looks like such a blast!
Janet said…
Wow -- thanks I think my life reached an all time High?! watching that.
Shannon said…
Love the sleeping guy...
Anonymous said…
Too funny;-)
great post.
Shrinky said…
Hahahahaha! Last time I tried that I nearly knocked the hound out cold, the controller flew out my hand and lamped him one!

Brilliant, the guy in the corner is the icing on top. C'mon, more please!

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